Friday, February 17, 2012

Free Friday Images Frame And Printers Ornament Cherub And Cyclamen Flower Card

It has been crazy here this week
Seems like I keep running around in circles
like a crazy chicken.
Had some time yesterday to scan
this fantastic book I had lost on my bookshelf
It is full of delightful Victorian images.

(yes I am mucking out the studio again)
Out with the old as they say.
I could not believe that I had collected and
stashed about 8 silver chests to refurbish
My sister in law is coming by today
to take those off my hands
Tee they will be her
problem to store or refurbish.
Also..a huge rubber maid tub full
of vintage crochet and vintage
embroidery.  Those are going into my
Etsy store - all in one big destash lot.
Except for some neat star shaped ones
in colors that I think would make fantastic

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