Thursday, February 13, 2014

Antique Photo Album Treasures The Anderson Family

Wow we sure have had a patch
of rain and snow and rain again
this last two weeks here in Oregon
It gave me a bad case of cabin fever
and the blues at the same time.
So when errand day came around
this last week I was like a horse let out
of the barn..
Off at a full gallop...

I had several bags of things to donate
(see how I slip a visit into Saint Vinnie's in
there?) And a visit inside was a must.
Right inside the door are the cases
of neat vintage books, craft supplies
and anything else they think
may catch the collectors eye.

Right away the two antique photo
albums they had caught my attention.
I asked to look at the case and was delighted to
find that they both still had their photo's

The price was pretty steep...but my heart said
Do It!!
So I did...
I brought the first album home on Tuesday
full of cabinet cards and history. I was in awe.
Over night I was restless.. It felt wrong not to
have the two albums together.  They are family
after all...I rolled it around in my head all night.
Yes..No...Yes...No... Yes won
The next day (yesterday) I did my chores
waited..And when I could not stand it anymore
I went to see if the second album was still there.
Guess what, It was.

I am going to scan many of them and post them
here on my blog to share with you all.
They are beautiful and fascinating.
I wish I knew this family's history, their story
Maybe as I scan the photo's some
will be revealed.
Have a wonderful Thursday!!
If you are on the East coast.. Stay safe!!

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