Sunday, January 27, 2013

Beautiful Woman Butterfly From Life Magazine Free PNG Image

Well...this is one of those images
that I should probably not of played with.
It comes off the internet from the
cover of an old LIFE magazine.
I just love these butterfly women and
could not resist making her into a
PNG image for my
collection of butterflies.
  I do not have the artists name
and nor do I have the original link
it came from since I picked it up
years ago.
Please keep this image for your own use.
Thank you so much


  1. So very beautiful..magical and enchanting!

  2. Artist and designer John Coulthart gives this image on his website as:

    The Flapper by Frank X Leyendecker, Life magazine (1922).

    1. Thank you Ralph for that information as to who the original artist is. I do not think it came from John Coulthart website but one from France. I collected it when I first started my blog. Since I have learned to keep the original links to an image.
