Monday, February 6, 2012

Time To Show Off My Valentine Tin From Karla

Well...It is time to show off!
Last month Wendy at Bliss Angels was so
sweet and kind and hosted another tin swap.
The theme of course is
!! Valentines !!
My swap partner this time
was Karla Jackson
She sent me a sweet tin
full of goodies
and a second mini tin too!

I have to tell you...The chocolates
did not last long....
It was one of those days.
Ooooo lovely tins and Chocolate!!
Can life get much better.
Cause She also sent me some
fun clip art

And a beautiful hand made card
The tiny book gave me
an idea..and this year I am going
to write my husband a love letter
I may even use Karla's card.
Thank you Karla..This was a really fun

I would like to share with you
what I sent Karla.
I tried something new this time
Oh my gosh I love it!!

So there they are...
I really enjoyed it once again
The challenge of getting a project done
on time...stretching to learn something
new..making new friends.
It was great.


  1. Another masterpiece Lemay....and there nothing nicer than chocolates in a cute tin... thanks for taking part again hugs Wendy

  2. Oh Lemay how beautiful!! I'm so sad I missed out, but so glad you received such wonderful tins and other fun things.
    Hugs, LisaKay
    Belles Roses Romantiques
