Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A Big Thank You Giveaway For You From Leaping Frog Designs

These last two years have
so much fun for me
I have met many new
wonderful artistic women
who have inspired me
to branch out in new

Your blogs are amazing
your support of mine
most kind.

I thought this weekend
as the  93rd  follower
joined my site
That it was time
to say

...Thank You...

I am going to have a

Tee hee...No
Not the cake
I am going to give you three things to
choose from.
(Kind of like your fairy godmother)

Tell me which item you would like to have
if you win the Giveaway.  Leave me
a comment.
I will leave it open for one week
Next Sunday I will
have the randomizer
(silly word)
Pick a number.
Or-Three if enough people
join the giveaway
So here are the pictures

#1 Embellishment set
Full of beautiful ribbon, crystals, beads,
buttons, vintage coins..
And much more


Set #2 An Ephemera Pack
Full of copies of vintage images
This one is somewhat themed
to Mother's Day
Children, Motheres, Butterflies, Flowers
Calling cards, backgrounds, Lovely old
paper doily, Vintage Music paper,
German Scrap,
Mica, Lots of varitety to play
Much like the packs I offer in my Etsy store


Set #3
All Ephemera
Vintage large book of music, Old paper doily,
Vintage Postcards from 1900-1907
A marbled inside book page,
The two sided Color Plate page
of butterflies from a vintage encyclopedia
Full page of German Scrap flowers
Hmmm..Oh some cool small used envelopes.

Ok...So there they are.
Leave a comment
on which is your favorite.
Pretty easy rules.
It is open until
March 4th
lets say until 9pm
There are 93 of you out there
spread all over the world
Don't worry..
Leave a comment
If you are drawn
No matter where you are
You are eligible
I will ship them anywhere.
Have Fun!!
Thank you all !!!


  1. I Love your blog and visit often :)

    My favorite is #1 the Embellishment set, maybe because I embellish stuff for a living LOL.
    Congratulations on 93 followers!


  2. Hello Lemay! What wonderful treasures you have spread out for us to pick from....I would select #2 if I were to be the lucky one.
    I am ever so thankful to have found you and love all the images you post for us to play with...and I do play with them:))
    XOXO Karla

  3. Lemay they are all so beautiful! I'm going with #3 as my choice! congrats on two years! :O)

  4. I was actually looking for a free image of a leaping frog and just found your delightful blog! They are all lovely and thoughtful, but since I love old paper I would choose #3. :o) Thank you. Fondly, Lori

  5. Dear Lemay ~ you are a most generous person! Your sweet nature more than explains why you have 93 followers in 2 years!! Congratulations and many, many more!
    All 3 of your selections for the Giveaway are fabulous, but I'm a sucker for buttons, and bits and bobs as you have in Selection #1, so that would be my choice if I'm lucky enough to win! Thanks you so much!

  6. Hi Lemay! You're so generous...so many beautiful cards, old papers, embellishment!!!
    I love them all, but if I have to choose...it's #1!!!


  7. OH what a fun giveaway! Wonderful offerings...my choice would be #3!

  8. Great give-away, you are very generous and all packs are so tastefully put together! I love all the sets but my choice would be #3. I will spread the news!!


  9. Really beautiful giveaway, I love all the choices, but my favorute is number 3.
